Messages from Marian apparition at Kurescek to Father Smaverski 1989-1999. The Queen Of Peace instructs and warns...

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"...Do not prove the authenticity of my apparitions and messages. I will speak myself to the hearts that are open for spiritual good..."

February 10, 1994 and At His Last Meeting With the Lady

"... Do not argue with those, who do not believe, that I your Mother and Queen of Peace am also coming into the Church through the visionaries..."

April 4, 1998 and At His Last Meeting With the Lady

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The Messages of The Queen of Peace to Father Smaverski in 1997

" Praised be Jesus!

A great light began to shine in this era of redemption, but unfortunately the darkness has not accepted it.

Many years before the war, I was calling in Medjugorje for you to repent, reconcile, be the carriers and givers of peace, but the majority has not responded.

Millions of believers from the whole world made pilgrimages to Medjugorje but the local Church has not reacted and has not accepted my call.

Only individuals and my sons, the Franciscans, have heard “Gospa’s” call, even these were humiliated and chicaned by the local clergy.

The faithful of Slovenia responded well to my early calls, and made themselves available.

The church at Kurescek was built so quickly that even unbelievers should be at awe.

The zeal should have continued but slowly it faded.

That is why I’m warning you not to waste the blessing that you have already started to receive.

Do not play politics but pray for the representatives, so that they lead the country and are courageous and just to all, what is public, historic, cultural and not last what is religious.

Some blessings have already passed you.

Return to the fervor and readiness as you have had in the beginning of the Kurescek events!

I can say that pilgrims from all continents came to Kurescek. They were more numerous than the Slovenian pilgrims. Do you want to start losing the blessing that you have already been receiving ?

Those witnesses that have received special graces at Kurescek or in connection with Kurescek are expected to be true witnesses. Give verbal and written testimonies and keep thanking God.

I Mary, your mother, invite you to trust me, and I will prove to you that I love you. Pray for my beloved priests. I bless you."

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" Praised be Jesus Christ!

I am thankful to you, for many of my daughters and sons have taken my last message seriously and have proved this today through your numerous participation in the 7th anniversary of the first encounter with me at this place.
Just as you have filled me with joy today, continue to fill me with joy through your great striving for spiritual renewal, following the example of Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Ignatius of Loyola and of other spiritual models"

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" Praised be Jesus!

Once again, I am warning you against the dark forces that are penetrating the Church and among people: unfaithfulness, disobedience; the fallen away and the withdrawn from the church are fruits of these forces.

The penetration of influences of other religious and semi-religious ideologies is dangerous for the soul’s of people.

Be alert, satanism is at work.

Resistance and rebellion against the Pope and his faithful Bishops are the work of satanic forces and are against Jesus’ petition to the Father. “Father make them all one, as you and me are one.”

Bishops and priests guard the Church against the forces that are not Divine! Join the faithful in prayer, so that you will all be live members of the Body of the Church, be resistant, loyal, and healthy members.

The church can not be defeated, but separate members may fall victims. I your Mother am with you and I help you.

Do not be afraid.

Do not judge those that have fallen away. Help them with prayer and with your example. I greet all faithful and zealous, I wish you to stay that way, and to strive to be holy. I also greet the unfaithful, wavering and fallen away, so that they would return and strengthen their loyalty. I bless you all, especially the suffering, and I ask them to offer their suffering for spiritual help and resistance to the threatened members of the church.

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" Praised be Jesus Christ!

You who are faithful to the gospel are my joy.

Be on guard against false prophets and against proclaimers of the Gospel, who are not from GOD.

Protect yourselves against the influences of strange religions; for you know the Way, the Truth and Life.

Do not hate anybody and remain spiritually strong and healthy. I am your advocate, my blessing will sustain you. "

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"...I am thankful to the priests of all ranks who seek to live the Gospel and who take my messages seriously, through which I am bringing GOD's grace and love to the Church and to the whole world.

I am God's messenger, and the Church is the guardian of my apparitions and messages, and only she can approve their authenticity. Pray, pray more! Support prayer through fasting, renunciation and sacrifices. There you will find strength and victory. I greet you faithful and suffering ones."

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" Praised be Jesus Christ !

I rejoice over those who prepare themselves for the feast days and great events of God's redeeming "Love" for all humanity that became man and redeemed humanity at Easter.

I want you to live the feast days inwardly! The preparations that you do individually can also be spiritually enriching. Only fear those feasts that are purely exterior, that only mean pleasure, glamour and pretence.

It is my desire that you live the mysteries of the feast days and receive my blessing.

I especially bless the weak, those who suffer because of injustice, prisoners, those in jail and all those who are subject to oppression and restricted in their freedom. "

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"... All the Mary's messages that she did not want to become publicly known at once are written in my diary.

I will make them public verbally and in written form when the time comes.

If God for some time gives me the necessary health, I will try to edit all messages into a book form, or somebody else will do it using my diary, which I will give to a very trust worthy person... "
Father Smaverski

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The messages received by Smaverski were first published
after the Archbishop of Ljubljana, Msgr.
Alois Sustar
, had checked them.

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