Messages from Marian apparition at Kurescek to Father Smaverski 1989-1999. The Queen Of Peace instructs and warns...

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"...Do not prove the authenticity of my apparitions and messages. I will speak myself to the hearts that are open for spiritual good..."

February 10, 1994 and At His Last Meeting With the Lady

"... Do not argue with those, who do not believe, that I your Mother and Queen of Peace am also coming into the Church through the visionaries..."

April 4, 1998 and At His Last Meeting With the Lady

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Conditions for a
Good Communion

Which are the necessary conditions for receiving Holy Communion worthily ?

To receive Holy Communion worthily, there are two necessary conditions: to be in the state of grace and to have the right intention.

What does it mean to be in the state of grace?

To be in the state of grace means to be free from mortal sin.

What does it mean to have the right intention?

To have the right intention means to receive Holy Communion in order to show God our love and be more united with Him. We are to avoid harbouring other intentions, such as human respect or vanity.

What fast are we to observe before receiving Holy Communion?

The Church requires a fast of one hour from all solid foods and liquids, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic (with the exception of water, which can be taken at any time, and medicine).


"... All the Mary's messages that she did not want to become publicly known at once are written in my diary.

I will make them public verbally and in written form when the time comes.

If God for some time gives me the necessary health, I will try to edit all messages into a book form, or somebody else will do it using my diary, which I will give to a very trust worthy person... "
Father Smaverski

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The messages received by Smaverski were first published
after the Archbishop of Ljubljana, Msgr.
Alois Sustar
, had checked them.

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