Messages from Marian apparition at Kurescek to Father Smaverski 1989-1999. The Queen Of Peace instructs and warns...

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"...Do not prove the authenticity of my apparitions and messages. I will speak myself to the hearts that are open for spiritual good..."

February 10, 1994 and At His Last Meeting With the Lady

"... Do not argue with those, who do not believe, that I your Mother and Queen of Peace am also coming into the Church through the visionaries..."

April 4, 1998 and At His Last Meeting With the Lady

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The Messages of The Queen of Peace to Father Smaverski in 1999

Urgent message from April 17th, 1999

"...The dark forces want the present Pope to be removed as soon as possible and are preparing for the antichrist to succeed him..."
Please click here to read this message in its entirety!

This address was given by the Queen of Peace to father Smaverski on April 17th, 1999

"...These messages have permanent value. On 24th of September, I will give the last message from Kurescek and for Kurescek. Live and act in accordance with previous messages. From now on at Kurescek I will talk in the form of events. Messages from Medjugorje and Kurescek are priceless. Do not have them forgotten on your shelves, live them.
(September 5, 1998, and At Father Smaverski Last Meeting With The Lady on December 8th, 1999 At 8:00am In The Morning)
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"...Publish these messages, for they are for the whole Church. My blessing will remain with all of you..."
November 13th, 1992 and At Father Smaverski Last Meeting With The Lady
on December 8th, 1999 At 8:00am In The Morning

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  • A bit of information about an apparition of the Queen of Peace to Father France Spelic on Saturday, October 23, 1999.

On Saturday, October 23, 1999, the Church of Saint Mathew in Zalog in the Gorenjska region was full because approximately 40 pilgrims from the United States of America joined the locals and other devotees of the Queen of Peace.

The apparition that occurred before the evening holy mass on Saturday October 23, 1999 lasted approximately the same length of time as usual, about four minutes. After the holy mass and the blessing of religious objects, guests from the United Sates kept back Father France Spelic to ask him various questions.

While Father Smaverski was answering their questions, he said a few words about the encounter with the Holy Mother and he asked me to mediate further the following three items:

This evening the Virgin Mary mentioned a place where Father Smaverski will meet her on December 8, 1999 for the last time in a way so he will see her and hear her. This will happen at Kurescek "at the same place where we met for the first time that is by the outer chapel." (Father Smaverski).

She also told him the time of the apparition. He is going to have a vision at eight o'clock in the morning. The Queen of Peace also expressed her wish that all of those who were present at the first apparition would also be present at this apparition.

Especially those of us who have received any grace from God, either for us personally or for the Church and our country will be most likely preparing for this event with a thankful heart.

Some communities in the Church are preparing themselves for the feast of the Immaculate Mary with a special novena and even with fasting or with the exposition of the Holy Eucharist at nighttime.

Praised be Jesus and Mary,

Wrote Stanko M Marsic.

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  • Report from Father France Spelic About the Vision of the Queen of Peace Immediately Before the Holy Mass in the Church

Zalog, 18 September 1999

As every Saturday, today at 6:40pm I was kneeling in front of the altar recollected, waiting for Her, the Queen of Peace.

She came at 6:45pm. The expression on her face was one of happiness. After a short talk, she told me that her visits with me would last only till the December 8, 1999. At that time will be our last meeting where I can see and hear her.

She promised although that she would still be with me, till we meet where She is. She instructed me that I should still wait for her every Saturday at 6:45pm till the end of my life, wherever I am at that moment. She will be with me at that time even if I do not see or hear her. She said,

"Frequently you and others will feel my presence. Others will feel it more often than you will. With my interventions and miracles I will prove that I did not distance myself from you all.

Kurescek stays a place of grace forever.

At our last visible and audible meeting, I will leave a message for the whole Church. This will not be a retraction of my previous words, that I will not be giving any literal messages through you any more. Everything will be clear and evident from our last meeting."

Where we will meet on December 8, 1999, she did not tell; she did say that I would find that out on one of our Saturday meetings before the final one. Also, the other instructions I will receive prior to our last meeting on December 8, 1999. The Queen of Peace said,

" Remain a faithful child of God and a priest, and I will be with you for the rest of your life. Be a true witness and encourage others to get to know all the messages that I have given through you for the whole world.

You all protect yourself from all false prophets and visionaries.

My son, I bless you with my Heart in my maternal love!" (The text was translated by Andrej & Terezija Bevec)

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The Queen of Peace in five separate visions (March 20 and 27, and April 3, 10, 27, 1999) communicated her great worry and message for us, when she talked about pressures imposed on the Holy Father - Pope, Bishops and priests, who are faithful to the Body of Christ - the Church and to the Pope.

The Mother Mary reminded us, that she was warning us years ago how the dark forces are penetrating the Church and that they are strongly present in it and are working in conjunction with the dark forces outside of the Church.

These dark forces want to discredit the values of the Church divide the Church and destroy its unity, discredit Peter's successor and splinter some of the Cardinals, Bishops, and priests and by this bring disunity among the faithful. By their disobedience to the Holy Father and by the penetration of foreign non-Christian ideologies and religions among the faithful, even among the priests on all levels, they are causing chaos and uncertainty.

Mary the Queen of Peace is cautioning us, warning us, and asking us to pray for unity in the Church, for faithfulness to the Triune God, the Church, and the Pope.

Especially she is asking us for prayers for fallen away members of the Church and especially for unfaithful priests on all levels.

The Mother Mary was crying in all these visions, especially when she was talking about the pressures imposed on the Pope, John Paul II.

In the last vision (April 17, 1999) she told us, the faithful, to become "the guardians through prayer" of the Holy Father. In order to be good guardians, we should be joining together in the heart of her Son and her heart.

She said, "Explore the secrets of our hearts and find in them the strength needed to bear the temptations, and to pray for the strength of the Pope, Bishops, priests and all the children of God. Pray to the Holy Spirit to give strength to the present Holy Father and for his true successors.

The dark forces want the present Pope to be removed as soon as possible and are preparing for the anti-christ to succeed him."

Mary did not say exactly if this plan of the dark forces is for the time after the present Holy Father or for the time after some other successor of the Holy Father. She was specific about the pressures imposed on the Holy Father, but I can not talk about this now.

She was begging me to tell the whole Church her wish, that we as the Pope's "guardians through prayer" fervently pray and support him with our faithfulness.


"...She was begging me to tell the whole Church her wish, that we as the Pope's "guardians through prayer" fervently pray and support him with our faithfulness...."
November 13th, 1992 and At Father Smaverski Last Meeting With The Lady on December 8th, 1999 At 8:00am In The Morning

"...These messages have permanent value. On 24th of September, I will give the last message from Kurescek and for Kurescek. Live and act in accordance with previous messages. From now on at Kurescek I will talk in the form of events. Messages from Medjugorje and Kurescek are priceless. Do not have them forgotten on your shelves, live them.
September 5, 1998, and At Father Smaverski Last Meeting With The Lady on December 8th, 1999 At 8:00am In The Morning

TELL YOUR FRIENDS the Mary's wish.

"...She told us not to wait until there are many of us! Even one, two, or three of us can do this. She is promising her motherly help..."
April 17, 1999

Put into practice the Gospel and my messages, which are an expression of the Gospel. (January 4, 1992)

Our strength comes from her Son's and her heart.

She told us not to wait until there are many of us!

Even one, two, or three of us can do this. She is promising her motherly help.

She blessed us after each vision. (The message was translated by Andrej & Terezija Bevec)

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Report from Father France Spelic about the vision of Mary Queen of Peace; he had a vision in front of the altar in the church immediately after the holy mass.

This is my report about the vision of the Blessed Mother. I am not telling literally what I heard and also not going into the details. The Blessed Mother told me more and also in more detail than I am reporting. I will soon describe this vision in detail, when I have the opportunity.

The Queen of Peace had a sad face. Many times she repeated that she warned us about the dark forces, that are penetrating into the Church, with only a few responding seriously.

Those who could do more, higher and lower authorities, could give encouragement in these serious times, when Lucifer wants to create divisions in the Church by breaking in with non-Christian foreign sects and ideologies.

People are divided.

This is the part of the burden that the Heavenly Mother had in her lap in the March 6, 1999 vision.

It was known for a long time that there would be a satanic event in Ljubljana, Slovenia (February 22, 1999).

How did the Church prepare for this?

Nothing was done.

Individuals of their own initiative were praying and asking others to pray with them.

Let us pray, fast and do good deeds in order to protect the Holy Father-Pope, all his faithful Cardinals and Bishops with their priests, so that they will be able with God's wisdom to be truly united and that they can discern the tools of the dark forces in their midst and eliminate them. This is a fight, but the absolute God is with us.

We missed many opportunities, but not all. Mary is calling us to do all that can still be done. Because we in our disobedience were slow to act, there will be grave consequences that can be mitigated because the Almighty is with us.

At the end Mary blessed all those who carry out her orders. (The message was translated by Andrej & Terezija Bevec)

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The Heavenly Mother was in a sitting position leaning back extremely.

I could not recognize what she was sitting on, but my impression was that she was floating in mid-air in a sitting position. In her lap was an enormous burden that looked like a rock. This burden reached from her knees, over her whole lap and up to her neck. The rock was much wider than her body. She was supporting this burden with her hands on the bottom. Only her fingers were visible.

She was crying out for us to help her crush this weight, this weight is caused by hatred among people and by the enormous opposition to the Church and her head-Christ!

Help me to crush this rock, so that this burden will be taken away from me - the Mother, and from the Church, and the strength given to Satan by this weight.

This weight is hatred among you, hatred even in the Church, disobedience to the Bishops, disobedience to the Pope, and wars everywhere.

I am the Queen of Peace, and you are trying to achieve peace with threats and death.

She mentioned (not by name) disobedient Bishops and priests who have a destructive influence on the faithful, who sow division, rebellion and disobedience to the successor of Peter - the Pope.

A large part of the burden in her lap consists of wars of all sorts, inequities in the distribution of resources, crimes against people and nations, and violence caused by limitations of freedom. Many such limitations are lawful, allowed and even ordered.

The Queen of Peace with a great sadness expressed her great sorrow with a crying face, when she mentioned millions of abortions.

She said, that killings of unborn children are equal to the crime of war.

"Millions of unborn children are killed! The massacre of the infants was not only when my Son was born, nowadays every day is the massacre of the infants. This is the burden in my lap. Help me with prayer and by being a good example to break this rock and to unburden me and in that way help the Church.

Help the Church to cleanse itself of this weight, so that it will be strong enough, so that it can withstand all of this."

The mother Mary was asking us to strengthen our faith to God, the Church, the Pope, and his loyal Bishops and their priests; to live faith and understand her (Mary's) messages only in the light of God's love.

She said that there would be much less of a burden in her lap, if we live the faith and fulfill the gospel and her messages. Her pain is also the divisions in the Church that are extinguishing the Spirit which helps the acceptance of her, Mary, when she wants to save humanity, with her apparitions.

She blessed all present and all those that will help to destroy her burden. The Queen of Peace told me to describe in my own words to all the present faithful in the Zalog Church, how I saw her and what she told me, right away. I told her message in my own words because she did not tell me to quote her literally, but the content of her message is the same, down to the details. (The message was translated by Andrej & Terezija Bevec)

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"... All the Mary's messages that she did not want to become publicly known at once are written in my diary.

I will make them public verbally and in written form when the time comes.

If God for some time gives me the necessary health, I will try to edit all messages into a book form, or somebody else will do it using my diary, which I will give to a very trust worthy person... "
Father Smaverski

To receive the remaining Mary's messages when available please click here now
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The messages received by Smaverski were first published
after the Archbishop of Ljubljana, Msgr.
Alois Sustar
, had checked them.

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